Level Up Leaders | Cultivate TRUST Leadership Assessment helps mental health group practice owners with leadership development and employee management
Level Up Leaders Inc.
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For therapists who cultivate psychological safety in their group practice

Trauma-informed leadership, Employee Retention, and Workplace Culture


As a group practice owner, you’re constantly pulled away from your purpose to solve the newest problem: at the whim of the urgent and unexpected, buried beneath demands and to do’s, and sacrificing yourself for a system of your creation. 

If therapists are the people who will change our world, who’s supporting you, their leader?

Creating an emotionally fluent society relies on the shepherds of clinical outcomes, absorbers of collective energy, and space-holders for the surfacing struggles — your providers are the people holding us together and helping us move forward. 

Yet, there are days in your leadership when you feel desensitized and depleted. Days when you feel alone in your mission and misunderstood by your employees. It doesn’t help that your team’s resilience is starting to rupture in the face of ongoing vicarious trauma and crisis.

If your providers are burnt out, the last thing they want to do is attend a team-building event, sit through a lackluster lunch, or be celebrated for their competence with ten new clients while feeling behind on their clinical notes.

Resourcing your employees to solve problems and creating a trauma-informed workplace will do more for their performance and clinical outcomes than minimizing their overwhelm. 

When you’re on the frontlines of our community’s future, you can't keep losing employees. Level Up Leaders Inc. supports group practice owners who are ready to cultivate psychological safety through a work culture of TRUST.


Collective impact

Our world will change one clinical outcome at a time. At the summit of this trickle effect? Therapists. Resourcing providers with resiliency and capacity within psychologically safe workplaces is necessary to facilitate individual and collective transformation for global impact. 

Relational influence

More than any other factor, relationships at work predict team performance. Mastering relational leadership that is trauma-informed through cultivating a culture of TRUST is what combats turnover, overwhelm, and disengagement. 

Trusting people create trusting people

The practice of TRUST emboldens us. It helps us authentically connect and be inspired in our work — and it invites those around us to extend trust to one another, too. When we question if we’re cut out for this, when we’re stretched to our limits, taking a human approach to development makes the world a better place.



Want to Elevate Your Leadership Impact?


As a group practice owner or leader, you sometimes struggle to engage, motivate, or unify your teams- take our free assessment to find out your unique relational impact and how it cultivates psychological safety.



As Featured


Read How to Retain Quality Clinicians: 4 Questions to Ask Your Employees featured in Pollen by Simple Practice

Listen to the episode Redefining Leadership in the Workplace on the Wellness Center Creators Podcast

Listen to the episode The Leadership Balancing Act — Accountability, Authority & Learning on the Brave & Well Podcast

Listen to the episode Reshaping the Culture of Work on the Social Responsibility at Work Podcast

Listen to the episode How to Tap Into Your Unique Leadership Strengths on You Did That! Podcast


Meet Poonam and Julianne


We are psychotherapists with over 10+ years of leadership experience, including leading large teams of employees and leadership teams in mental health. We can relate to the employee management challenges you face as a group practice owner- when we felt like we didn’t have what we needed, we learned the power of relationships in supporting employee retention and cultivating psychological safety through a work culture of TRUST.



Work With Us


Do you resonate with our work, yet not sure where to start? Schedule a complimentary consultation with us. We’d love to hear more about you, your group practice, and how we might offer you strategy and solutions right away.